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Shaping the world sustainably? Nice thought - and in reality only possible if we all do something for change. That's why we at Incase offer our customers a number of solutions that are innovative, understandable and, above all, feasible. We shape sustainability together.

For sustainable change, many dimensions must be taken into account. The world of goods must be developed in an ecologically sustainable manner and be able to exist in the area of tension with economic efficiency. Likewise, social sustainability must be ensured for the people involved throughout the entire supply chain, from the selection of raw materials to the retail item. Ultimately, our actions must be such that all of our stakeholders, including our nature and environment, and their concerns are heard and taken into account. Incase is working on the right solutions for this.

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The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations are based on the three pillars of sustainability: social, environmental and economic. These goals can only be achieved if the corporate sector also implements appropriate measures. In fact, companies are particularly challenged.

We are aware of this responsibility and that is why our sustainability strategy is based on it

at InCase to the SDG.
For example, we are working with our partners specifically to support the fight against global warming, the prevention of plastic waste in the oceans, the reduction of poverty and the improvement of living conditions in emerging and developing countries.


From the scientific point of view, the climate protection measures taken so far are largely inadequate to achieve the important global 1.5°C climate target in the given time.

We need both innovative concepts and a rethinking to meet the growing challenges of climate change. As a good corporate citizen, our aim at InCase is to make a contribution and make our range more sustainable.

We have set ourselves the following goals, which we are pursuing together with our suppliers along our value chain:



Climate-neutral means that we have recorded and reduced all CO2 emissions generated at the Essen site at company level and offset them through a recognized climate protection project. This includes direct emissions such as electricity and heat generation, vehicle fleet and volatile gases, as well as indirect emissions from purchased energy, employee travel and business trips. 


Other indirect emissions that occur in the upstream and downstream value chain, such as CO2 emissions from the manufacture of raw materials or the disposal of products, are not part of climate neutrality at company level.


Emissions can be recorded and offset on a product basis. We have already implemented this together with our customers in individual cases and plan to expand this further in the future. 

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